If the first alternate DNS does not work, attempt to use another DNS (i.e.
Manually entering alternate DNS settings into your Wii may allow you to successfully complete the System Update.
Enter alternate DNS settings into the Wii.
If the test results appear OK, then it is likely your Wii may be receiving a poor wireless signal from the wireless router-continue with the following troubleshooting.
Please contact your Internet Service Provider, or a network administrator, for further assistance.
If you find your download is below 1.5Mbps or your upload is below 1Mbps, this indicates the issue is likely related to your Internet service.
Both your download and upload speeds should display after the test completes. Once the site loads, select the appropriate option to start the test. Visit one of the following sites using the web browser of a device connected to your network (other than your Wii) and test your Internet speeds:
Check the download and upload speeds of your Internet service.
Restarting your network devices may resolve this issue if it is related to the devices being unresponsive. When creating the new connection ensure the Wii console is connecting to the correct network and that it has a strong wireless signal.
If you find notice of maintenance or a service outage, please try again after services have returned to normal.
If the Wii Shop Channel service is not available, Wii System Updates will also not be available.
Review our Network Status page for any noted outages.
We strongly recommend updating your Wii using a Cable, DSL, or FiberOptics Internet service.
If you are connecting to the Internet using a satellite or wireless cellular Internet service, keep in mind that these types of connections may be affected by higher latency causing the system update to time out.
If your Wii console has been modified to run unofficial software, we are unable to provide additional support for your Wii System Update issue.
It has been found that this error code may appear during a Wii System Update if a Wii console has been modified to run unofficial software.